The Eastern Western Hypothesis
We go through my hypothesis' and sift through them while looking at relevant information drawn from todays society on mind body medicine, eastern/western outlooks and beliefs and how they compare and what we should be focusing on for the body and the mind for a well society.
The Eastern Western Hypothesis
Ending War On Earth
Todays podcast takes the same balanced and open minded approach where we sift through the relevance of our topic.
But the topic today is on the current state of wars on Earth and why they are really happening, why do they all follow a similar pattern? How have they all nearly started exactly the same and how have they been allowed to continue for so long?
Every world leader needs to ask themselves is this a world they want to create?
Humanity has evolved and our old system and methods are outdated.
We do not want war anymore. Nobody wants it.
Please listen and see for yourself just how ridiculous and unnecessary war really is in this day and age.
Thankyou for listening.
In peace! Shalom.
Brydie Jordan.