The Eastern Western Hypothesis
We go through my hypothesis' and sift through them while looking at relevant information drawn from todays society on mind body medicine, eastern/western outlooks and beliefs and how they compare and what we should be focusing on for the body and the mind for a well society.
16 episodes
Communicating With The Divine
The divine being you are is tapped into the divine intelligence, the cosmos, the universe or God.You have had a hidden ability to ‘know’ all of your life.Today I teach you to understand and use it.Practice this technique...
Season 1
Episode 16

Flower Remedies As Neural Medication Part Two : Petals For Neural Pathways
A discussion of the impact and design of flowers and their petals on neural pathways. A discovery I have found that links petal frequency and design to neural pathways and sections of the brain and neurology.Like the doctrine of signatu...
Season 1
Episode 15

Releasing Anxiety
Welcome to a renewal of the mind, the thought patterns, behaviour and neurological habits that accompany anxiety and unnecessary stress or pathways in the body.Sometimes anxiety is just simply a stress response that we no longer need but...
Season 1
Episode 14

Raising Buddha
Raising Buddha My own principle drawing on eastern philosophies of Sanskrit chakra attunements, western psychological ideologies and the higher self notion drawn from religion.Child development involves environment, thought...
Season 1
Episode 13

Your Hidden Sense
Just like seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching your body has another sense that you have not been taught about!Your energetic and electric body system can navigate you through your life with ease. So that you can...
Season 1
Episode 12

Reincarnation And Eternal Life
Do you know what happens when you die?I have lots of information to share on this topic.Paranormal, psychic activity from one being to another I have seen, heard, felt and touched these beings even felt their emotions as a vibra...
Season 1
Episode 11

Flower Remedies as Neural Medication
Hello! Welcome to todays podcast.This podcast is both a hypothesis and an explanation of how flower remedies really heal and really work physiologically in the body.My favourite hypothesis is my own on how the flower re...
Season 1
Episode 10

The Language of Attraction
Yay! Today we talk about attraction and attraction of the universe, the universe hears your vibration and it is constantly listening to you and what signal you are sending out!How do we come into harmony with what it is we desire?
Season 1
Episode 9

The Quantum Butterfly Effect
Hello! Welcome to this very exciting and interesting podcast.What is the real and true quantum butterfly effect how can we use it in a way that puts us into our highest existence and onto our highest path?How can we live in the ...
Season 1
Episode 8

You Are Enlightened
This podcast is about enlightenment, how that lives within you already and is easily attainable to you.We are all blessed with the mechanism to know more than what we know now and use it to make the world a better place.Amen.
Season 1
Episode 7

The Root Cause of C*ncer
What does that mean? Is it believable to suggest that all of the money that goes to researching this dis-ease actually goes toward researching this dis-ease? Or are they using that money to keep that information quiet? I h...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ending War On Earth
Todays podcast takes the same balanced and open minded approach where we sift through the relevance of our topic.But the topic today is on the current state of wars on Earth and why they are really happening, why do they all follow a si...
Season 1
Episode 5

The Chakras of The Brain
Welcome to the podcast about the chakras in the brain. My very own hypothesis of how specific parts of the brain govern our chakras and our life.The brain is everything to us and I just don’t think we give it enough thought as a tool fo...
Season 1
Episode 4

Our Intuition Was Stolen From Us And Western Medicine Benefits
Hello!Todays podcast is about how your intuition works and how to read the universe within you and without.How does western medicine or pharmaceutical corporations benefit from us not knowing how to trust our intuition properly?...
Season 1
Episode 3

Manifesting And The Power In You
This podcast we talk about how to be a vibrational match to what it is you are asking for or receiving. A forgotten element of manifesting or the law of attraction is your own vibration. And how the universe feels about you too! How do you feel...
Season 1
Episode 2

The Scientific Jesus Or Yeshua
Here I offer you a new thought paradigm about the incredible power that lives in you and has always done, Jesus or yeshua meaning divine being. The scientific version.What an incredible thing to talk about in this day and age. Now with ...
Season 1
Episode 1