The Eastern Western Hypothesis

Raising Buddha

• Brydie Jordan • Season 1 • Episode 13

Raising Buddha 

My own principle drawing on eastern philosophies of Sanskrit chakra attunements, western psychological ideologies and the higher self notion drawn from religion.

Child development involves environment, thought, behaviour, and belief for life.

Raising children into their highest potential or the higher self they already came as, free from the constraints of society, our own negatively wired neural pathways and behaviours and trauma or stress.

Free to be them and live their highest life.


I am cosy, nurtured and loved.


I am special, I deserve what it is I am wanting.


I am amazing, I am encouraged, I am happy.


I love, I appreciate, I have gratitude, I allow.


I listen to others and I am also heard. I express myself with ease. Everyone gets a turn to speak and share.


I see, I think, I understand. My ideas are truly valued.


I am in harmony with my whole being. I am in total balance with my highest opportunities.

*Imbalance in the life, the body and the mind results from an imbalance in the environment or the thinking patterns.

Harmonising the holistic child or being with proper nurturing and affirmations throughout their childhood. Creating awareness around these seven principles for development and for life. Setting the tone and the frequency in the mind first, the setting neural pathways, the body and then the life.

Helps to create a healthy, BALANCED, individual. To live as their highest self.


There are many physiological aspects that affect the child’s development that were not discussed today but deserve further exploration and discussion.
Balanced feeding from birth.
Balanced affection.
Balanced physical activity.
Balanced receiving and giving.
Balanced self expression, art and creativity, dressing self and individualisation.
Balanced toilet training.
Balanced learning and drawing awareness from all areas of life.
Balanced decision making for total personality and the life.

Thankyou to my sun Bowen who inspires me to be my highest self again every day and who teaches me the pure meaning of life. You are already divine and perfect and you are a gift. 

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